– The 斯塔克经济发展委员会, 公司., is a private, nonprofit corporation engaged in economic development activities in Stark County. The Board’s mission is to retain, expand and attract business investment in the area. HCDC公司. 现在通过与斯塔克经济发展委员会合作提供SBA 504和俄亥俄地区166贷款来帮助我们社区的小企业.
– 影响天使基金 是一个风险投资基金,有来自8个县的30多个私人投资者,以及来自俄亥俄州第三前沿项目的配套资金. We will invest in early-stage technology companies in our region and throughout Ohio.
Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce
- - - Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce is a membership organization of nearly 1,600 institutions and individuals dedicated to the advancement of the economic, 工业, 专业, cultural and civic welfare of Stark County. The mission of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce is to serve our members through partnerships, 项目, services and events to advance the economic growth of Canton and the Stark County region.
North Canton Area Chamber of Commerce
自1959年以来, North Canton Area Chamber of Commerce has been the leading business organization in our area, 合作, facilitating and advocating for our members and community. We’re dedicated to promoting development, 保留和扩大当地业务,同时为社区计划和项目投入大量时间和资源.
– 启动 is a nationally recognized nonprofit serving to accelerate the success of diverse entrepreneurs, 他们的高增长公司, 以及支持它们的生态系统. 启动的Dota2菠菜是提高俄亥俄州东北部创业生态系统的经济影响力和可持续性, while leveraging 启动’s experience and expertise to catalyze entrepreneurship.
小企业发展中心, Kent State University at Stark
- - - 小企业发展中心, Kent State University at Stark is a fully funded, nonprofit organization devoted to helping 小型企业 grow and individuals start new, 小型企业. SBDC通过事先安排的培训项目和咨询会议来做到这一点.
– 斯塔克州立大学 提供质量, 高价值副学士学位, certificates and 专业 development in a diverse, student-centered learning environment. The College is dedicated to lifelong learning, 可购性, transferable higher education and career success. Quality of life is advanced through access, 包容, stewardship and business and community partnerships.
– Established through a cooperative effort between the City of Alliance, Mount Union大学 and Alliance Area Development, INCUBOX is a local business incubator program to launch ideas and accelerate the growth of businesses. With offices on the campus of the Mount Union大学, INCUBOX孵化各种各样的公司,同时将学生和当地企业家与现实世界的创业环境联系起来, early stage and successful business operations. 公司ubox also oversees an intense mentor-driven program.
Mount Union大学
-学生在 Mount Union大学 积极参与一个刻意充满活力的私立大学环境,拥有卓越的校园和设施. Students benefit from preparation that is personal, 21世纪实用和相关的教育,结合了不懈相关的学术课程与经验和研究为重点的学习. Mount Union has an Entrepreneurship minor available to all students.
– Dota2菠菜网 is an independent, coeducational Catholic, liberal arts and sciences institution. Founded by the Brothers of Christian Instruction, Dota2菠菜网致力于通过以价值观为基础的教育,以犹太-基督教传统的国际视野,教育学生成为服务他人的领导者. Walsh offers an MBA in Entrepreneurship as part of its graduate business program.
– ystark! is an organization that is committed to improving our community through knowledge, 领导与参与. ystark! is here to develop a young, involved and educated workforce for area businesses. We want our business partners to know that we’re out there, attracting and retaining diverse young 专业s to this area. 为了我们的商业伙伴,史塔克! represents unlimited access to a pool of the sharpest, most engaged YPs around.
Junior Achievement of East Central Ohio
-提供的课程 Junior Achievement of East Central Ohio 通过向年轻人展示如何创造财富和有效地管理财富,帮助他们为现实世界做好准备, 如何创造就业机会,使他们的社区更加强大,如何将创业思维应用于工作场所.
布伦特里业务发展 Center
- - - 布伦特里业务发展 Center 是俄亥俄州东北部一个支持小企业的非营利性地区创业援助组织(通常称为企业孵化器)吗. Since 1986 over one hundred start-up companies have found their first home with us. 我们专注于先进制造, 可替代能源, 信息技术, 生物科学, 农业/食品加工.
- - - 俄亥俄州坎顿分会 提供免费和保密的商业建议和咨询,以满足您的小企业和个人目标的需要. We also offer workshops for both start-up and in-business entrepreneurs.